Chiropractic Neurology
Chiropractic Neurology provides safe and effective rehabilitation for injuries and disorders of the nervous system. Neuroscience confirms that we can improve function of almost any part of the brain with the right stimulation. Each part of the brain has multiple inputs. This creates the opportunity to heal the brain through many different avenues.
Some examples:
Light, Sound, Eye-Movement Exercises
Sensory Rehabilitation Techniques
Motor Rehabilitation Techniques: Timing, Speed, Coordination
Balance Therapy and Fall Prevention
Vertigo Treatments
Natural Supplementation Specific for the Nervous System
Chiropractic Neurology is a board-regulated specialty similar to specialties within conventional medicine. Chiropractic College is a five-year training comparable to medical school. Two additional years of advanced education and a national board exam are required to become a Chiropractic Neurologist.
Treating the Nervous System without Drugs or Surgery
An 80 year old man now walks without needing a cane for balance, by listening to music in his left ear. A 7 year old girl’s eyes stop darting uncontrollably after two weeks of receiving chiropractic adjustments only on the right side of her body.
The Brain is Like a Muscle
We exercise a muscle by lifting a weight. Our brain gets exercise when we see, hear, touch, move, feel and think. If we lift weights, our muscles get bigger. When we receive sensory information, plan an action, or take an action, neurons make more connections and stronger connections with each other. This is called neuroplasticity.
Like a muscle, if any part of the nervous system isn’t used enough or is injured, it may become weak, and fatigue quickly. We may lose the ability to move smoothly or sense the world accurately.
Through comprehensive testing, a Chiropractic Neurologist identifies weaknesses and imbalances within the nervous system. The doctor corrects or decreases imbalances by selectively stimulating the nervous system with light, sound, chiropractic joint manipulation, or exercise.
Mysterious Seizures and a Simple Treatment
“I was diagnosed with an undefined movement/seizure disorder and put on a series of medications. After going to countless Neurologists without any diagnoses, I discovered Dr. Eichwald. In just one visit, he was able to make a quick diagnosis of my movement issues and offer a variety of techniques to combat the sometimes severe episodes. Chiropractic Neurology has helped me greatly with a medical issue that couldn’t be helped by those in mainstream Neurology.”
A 40 year old man, “Mr. Jones,” came to Active Chiropractic in January 2004. Mr. Jones suffered seizures over the previous five years. Six times every month, his Right arm and leg would shake violently for ten minutes to one hour. He couldn’t drive, walk, or even stand during the seizure. Afterwards, he was exhausted for hours.
Mr. Jones had sought help from top conventional neurologists. One drug treatment caused his seizures to erupt every hour. When unable to make a diagnosis or render an effective treatment, Mr. Jones’s doctors sent him to a psychiatrist. Mr. Jones was found to be in excellent mental and emotional health.
When first examined at Active Chiropractic, Mr. Jones appeared to be very healthy except for one subtle problem. When his Right arm was in certain positions, Mr. Jones Right hand would tremble spontaneously.
We created a test to see if increased deliberate movement on the Left side of Mr. Jones’ body would affect the tremor in his Right hand. When asked to make rapid clenching motions with his Left hand, the tremor in his Right hand immediately disappeared. Mr. Jones was given home exercises to make complex movements with his Left arm and leg for two minutes every hour.
Two weeks later, at his next office visit, Mr. Jones was very excited. He reported feeling a seizure coming on the day before. By vigorously moving his Left arm and leg he was able to stop the seizure in its tracks. Mr. Jones once averaged six seizures monthly. Now, Mr. Jones has only one seizure per month.
Building Connections
The nervous system is highly integrated. Touch, hearing, sight, thought, movement, feeling are continuously coordinated. The parts of the brain responsible for each of these functions have specific connections.
A Chiropractic Neurologist uses these connections to bring the brain back into balance. This is why a Chiropractic Neurologist may have a patient move one side of the body to affect the opposite side. This is how eye exercises can improve tone in back muscles. This is why listening to music in one ear can help with balance.
Treatments are individualized for the unique nervous system of each patient. Some patients respond to light therapy, others to physical exercise, and others to sound therapy. Depending on the condition, several visits over a few weeks or months are needed to receive office treatment and to learn home exercises.
The nervous system also needs good fuel. A chiropractic neurologist evaluates posture, spine and rib motion, and breathing to make sure the patient is receiving enough oxygen. The patient’s diet is reviewed. Natural supplements may be recommended for specific neurological conditions.
Chiropractic Neurology treatments can stand alone or work in concert with conventional medicine. It is important to coordinate chiropractic and medical care. Both approaches offer the patient valuable options for healing.
Some of the complex conditions that have been resolved or alleviated include:
Vertigo and Dizziness
Racing Heart/Arrhythmias
ADD/Learning Disorders
Stroke/Brain Trauma(concussion)
Dystonias/Movement Disorders
The advanced techniques used by a Chiropractic Neurologist can make treatments for common conditions such as back pain, headache, carpal tunnel, or rotator cuff injuries more effective. The doctor treats the joints and muscles directly while simultaneously strengthening the areas of the brain that control the body. In addition, athletes and dancers can benefit from Chiropractic Neurology when seeking peak performance.
*Chiropractic Neurology is a board-regulated specialty similar to specialties within conventional medicine. Chiropractic College is a five-year training comparable to medical school. Two additional years of advanced education and a national board exam are required to become a Chiropractic Neurologist.